
Unsolvable Smile

Everyone has their weakness
When things go black and blue and bleak its
A place, a Love we can run back to
Yea you all look away but you know that it's true

Everyone has their secrets
Pieces of ther soul--out of view out of sight
We wander, we're wanting someone who can keep it
Always hoping, never sure, but who knows--they just might

Everyone has a blindness
But we keep searching in the dark
So we can be sure we'll never find it
For God's sake hide the matches and stamp out the spark

I don't want answers
I don't want to know
I'll take my chances
Broken heart in tow

Do you love me to pieces?
The cracks, the tears, and all of the creases?
Do you know me completely, inside and out?
Twisted up into knots, strained, and turned upside down?
Do you see all my fractures, my follies, my flaws?
My bared teeth backing up my ten cowardly claws?
My traps and my holes and all of my pitfalls?
My stumbling blocks, stains, my unscalable walls?

'Cause yeah I love you to pieces
And oh, all the while
My downfall will be my weakness
For your unsolvable smile

I'm makin' a lot of noise
I'm losing my voice