
Spicy Song Of The Week

I can't focus. On anything. Not even writing this. And I don't know why. I had a blast last night. Though as always, I worry I made a fool of myself. But I don't think so. Not yet, anyways. I tried to be awesome, to be me... to talk less and listen more. But that wasn't too hard since a) I WANTED to listen, and b) she likes to talk. Funny how that always works out.

Anyways, I thoroughly enjoyed the whole evening, even if it was long and we were both tired.The music was great. I knew if I waited to write this week's SSOTW, it would be worth it: I discovered an awesome band.

It's kinda a mix between Michael Bernard Fitzgerald and some generic 90's band, with the voice & style, slightly reminding me of The Dudes. Best described as 'unique but familiar', this guy makes me jealous. He totally looks like Ryan Gosling from The Notebook. No fair, since he sings so well too. Anyways, this is  3.8 minutes of fun that captures the awesomeness of my night. Check this guy out on Myspace...he's from Calgary!

Noel Johnson
Spirit Of The Day

1 comment:

  1. Awesome song. I'll have to check out the rest of his stuff sometime. Glad to hear it went well!


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