
Spicy Song Of The Week

A year ago, I was back from my trip, on the high of my life, just starting a new semester at school. Everything was good. People were cool, easy to talk to, and I felt healthy after trekking the world. I'd seen a disproportionately extensive number of places around the world for being gone only 4 months: Iceland, Spain, Morocco, Egypt, Athens, Jordan, India, Thailand. Traveling pushes you in so many ways. You make more memories than you are capable of remembering, and slowly they will fade. However, a year ago, they were still fresh. Every day was governed by living by the rules I had learned while traveling. I knew a happiness greater than any happiness before or since.

But there was a problem. I had a new perspective. Uh oh, right? So here I was, doing the exact same thing that I had been doing before I left: school, work, band, friends, whatever. But this time I was doing it with a new perspective, an new mindset. Entirely different thoughts. As it turns out, it's impossible to think differently and yet do the same things. Something had to give.

Sadly, for the most part, I've long lost the mindset, and still cling to the same life as before. Sure, there was a lot of changes to my thought processes, and I was no longer craving escape like I had been, but in effect, I was just Josh again. I fill the role that is expected of me. We all do. I got so frustrated about all the things I seems incapable of changing about myself.

In a way that only music can, Silversun Pickups became an audible form of my identity. I lived in this album. Every note, beat, and lyric. I sung these songs as I went from my highest high to my lowest low. They needed to be in this play list eventually, so why not a year after their initial significance?

Silversun Pickups

Unless you've seen us live+full band, you won't be able to make the connection, but Silversun Pickups was a huge source of inspiration for me writing the music for Cross Your Fingers.

Ok. Breakfast time. Yeup...eggs.

1 comment:

  1. Did you see them live when they came here last year? They were simply awesome. They're also opening for Muse at the end of March which I am so excited for.


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