
Nailing a Hammer

Or is that hammering a nail?

Either way, I've been doing some serious work on fixing up this blog. The construction process added a few more features (or room for them once we get that far), and fixed a couple extremely terrible bugs.

>Much to my dismay, I discovered that on many people's computers, my music player was starting automatically every time the page loaded. I believe I have fixed that. If it's not fixed for you, please let me know, as I would personally find it very annoying to suddenly have unwarranted music blasting at me everytime I dare visit this site.

>Also, fewer posts are now displayed at once.

(Can you believe I've spent 7 hours on all this...until 4 am?!)

>the newly fixed up music player is taking up space in the brand new column on the left, instead of at the bottom, so you can quickly choose to listen to that Spicy Song Playlist.

(Listen, I currently have no life, so this is what happens.)

>The search bar works. So...Google your heart out?

You know how cool it would be if I could find a widget that was like a notepad or something that ANYONE (you!) could draw on, and it would be saved until ANYONE else (you!) drew something else?


It's crazy that I'd rather spend 7 hours learning all this garbage code and computer stuff, but showing up to school for a class at noon seems to require so much more effort. Or maybe it's that getting my blog figured out has tangible results, and a university degree...does not. Oh.

CRAZY story:

I lost my phone!
(Oh no)
...and then I found it!
(Oh good)

I know, right!?

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