
Who knew?

I didn't realize there was such an epic debate about fonts. Apparently, some people HATE certain fonts because they do not follow the typographical norms and rules....

I can understand someone not liking courier, or being bored with times new roman...but apparently, Comic Sans is the most widely despised font ever to exist. Really? I don't get it. It's just a font. Go type something in it. Not that big of a deal, is it? There's even an organisation set on banning the font! http://bancomicsans.com uses words like sanctity and heresy and ignorance in their mission statement.

um. get a life?

Anyways, in my quest into understanding how some people have more free time than I do led me to this video, which I thoroughly enjoyed.


1 comment:

  1. hahahahaha that totally made my day! what a great video! :D


Hey, it's fairly fantastic that you want to comment!