
Define: Studying

Define: Studying.

Studying is the theoretical concept of forcing useful information into your brain for your test (usually the night before a test). Often used as an excuse not to hang out, go out, or spend money. It's probably the activity you're SUPPOSED to be doing right now. Consists of equal parts:

2. eating
3.drawing stickman animations on the pages of your textbook so that you can flip it really fast and watch the action. And at the end of it, you realise that stickman just had more fun than you are having, so you decide to hang out/go out/spend money.

Traditional and successful studying was first developed by nerds who weren't capable of having coherent conversations about anything other than Pokemon and binary code. However, as a love for Pokemon became grounds for setting people on fire, they looked for a safer way to express their social deficiency. 'Group Study Sessions' is the ironic result of nerds feeling the need for acceptance in numbers, though they cannot talk with each other, so they just read.

Certain demographics of people including 'cool', 'lazy', and 'genius' people have not developed this 'skill', and are perceived by studiers as defective or bothersome.

See: 'Procrastinating', 'Wasting Time', and 'Blogging' for further understanding.

conclusions I've drawn about my study habits:

1. I better make studying fun, because it's definitely not going to be beneficial in any other way
2. It's bad news when someone asks why my book is upside down and I haven't noticed.
3. If I listen to slow music, I get bored. Hard music distracts. And not having music makes me twitch.
4. Twitching is a really messed up concept. Like...whoa body. why did you just do that? Talk to me. what caused my hand or my leg or my eye to just jump. There's nothing scary here. Holy. It's kinda gross if you think about it. ew.
5. My trains of thought are pulled by the Little Engine Who Couldn't.

chugga chugga.....chug...ga.....ch-

I could study...but I could also ..not.

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