
You know we're in trouble when...

 I'm sitting around on my 'break' at Safeway, reading Rolling Stone Magazine..the one with Madonna on the cover. Flippin through the pages, I read something about Dave Grohl's new band, Thom Yorke's new band ( a growing trend?), and then suddenly--There's a four page article with like 8 pictures about the pollution in our ocean, and how it's wiping out the population of albatross by 40% and used big technical words like 'doldrums' and chemical compound names that made my brain go fuzzy.

How bad is it that Rolling Stone Magazine, the forefront entertainment and musical arts publishing on the continent feels the need to throw in an article about how we are killing the planet. I had to stop and remember that I wasn't reading a National Geographic article here. I flipped the page, and...ah...there we go. Some guy with a handlebar moustache and an article about Motörhead. That's better. Stick to pop culture, RS.

Although, I suppose Green is the new black.

"The NEW three R's: Reduce, Reuse, and Rockstar!"


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