
The Monkey Man

Imagine you're on your way to work, and have decided to take the train. As you board the train, you fumble with your iPod (you're listening to 'Is There A Ghost') and check your cell phone. You are late for work. But there's still time to stop at Timmy's.

And then you look up and see a 90+ year old Asian man jump into the air and grab a hold of the bar above his hand and begin swinging back and forth across the train like a monkey. You are the only other person in the train car. You worry about his heart--it could give out any second. Or maybe you worry about him getting in trouble with those pesky transit cops.

Either way, he's caught you off guard and you don't know what to do. So you watch. He has a goofy grin on as he swings around. You don't worry anymore. Clearly, he's been doing this for years. Suddenly he jumps, lands, and picks up his cane. He hunches over slightly, and shuffles out the door.

Thanks for imagining with me.

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