

Josh, Darcy, Marya, and Lena have invented a new game. Here are the rules:

Frizollie is played on a volleyball court (preferably on sand) with a Frizbee (referred to as a Frizolliebee). Two people on each team, three maximum.

Team A will serve the Frizolliebee under the net and attempt to have it land beyond the back boundary of the court. Doing so is considered a point, and Team A will maintain possession and continue to serve. Should Team B catch the Frizolliebee before it touches the ground while standing inside the boundary, the frizolliebee is returned over the net in rally fashion, attempting to have the frizolliebee touch the ground on opposite team's side. Should either team accomplish this, they are rewarded one point and possession.

If a serve goes over the net or lands out of bounds off to the side, or hits the ground inbounds, possession goes to other team.

If a serve hits the net, there is a race to the frizolliebee for possession.

games are played to 15, win by two.


  1. what are the chances you'd be willing to play this in the winter? ;)

  2. significantly higher than the chances of finding 3-5 other willing individuals. although if given the choice, i prefer Ultimate frisbee.

  3. Hmm.

    I wish you had free time in the summer and that I could find time to visit.

    I'd come up there *just* to play Ultimate, in a heart beat! :D


Hey, it's fairly fantastic that you want to comment!