
The Pants Situation

I'm the kind of guy who buys something and then keeps it until

A) I lose it
B) I break it
C) Brynn decides to purge my room and throw it out (this happens approximately once in 21 years)

So when I buy a pair of jeans from bootlegger in 2006, you can assume I'm wearing them right on through 2009. They are my rock star jeans, and I love wearing them for shows.

However, They've become increasingly tattered and torn. What started out as a edgy hole in the knee has slowly escalated to a white trash gap. It's a little much.

So now what?

Do I go buy a pair of Jeans and wait for a new hole to form? Or do I make my own hole? There's some sort of strange taboo about wrecking new clothes for style. I never really cast my vote either way on this debate, but from my uncomfortable position (with one overly cold kneecap), it seems totally reasonable to buy a decent pair of jeans and "customize them." No?

1 comment:

  1. I believe you can buy pants which are designed to fray and some which might already be ripped...


Hey, it's fairly fantastic that you want to comment!