
Spicy Song Of The Week

I would like us all just to close our eyes. Ok now read this: ...no wait. Open your eyes to read it...but then close them and think--no..just close ONE eye and read this.

Today is Sunday, January 24th.
Today is Sunday January 24th.
Today is Sunday January 24th!

And this is the spicy song for this week.
This is the first time I have had a moment to sit down and actually write in almost two weeks. I've noticed a trend that the more depressed/bored/alone I feel, the more I write, and the more you enjoy it. Stop taking pleasure in my misery. That's heartless.

The Fray
How To Save A Life

These guys. Ahhhh! He sings so perfectly, the piano-- and there's an epic band to make the sound so HUGE. If only these guys would come to Calgary!

Sadly, this event is merely serves as a reminder of the current financial situation. With tuition due, and the news of upcoming tuition hikes, rent, Groceries... (we have no bread, milk, cereal, rice, tuna....but we gots eggs), I'll limit my spending to good ol Tim Horton's and billsbillsbillsbills.

The question is naturally brought up: There must be a better way to pay rent then in Canadian dollars. Or dollars in general. What if I called up the rental agency and said, "listen, I'm a little short on coin right now. Maybe we can work something out? Like popcorn kernels." Or write them a song. Surely if you give them enough other stuff, they will accept it over money! Everyone has their weakness! I just have to find theirs...

..then I can go to The Fray. Maybe their fan base would be as beautifully attractive and 80% female just like Tegan and Sara's was. HOoOoo man.

1 comment:

  1. And of that 80% female fan base at Tegan and Sara... what do you suppose the percentage of Straight women was?


Hey, it's fairly fantastic that you want to comment!