
A murder mystery

So I get home from a financial planning class at 8.49 pm. On my way home, I stopped to buy milk and iceberg lettuce. Oh..and an apple.

(but not just any apple. This is a HONEYCRISP apple. Like seriously, have you had one yet? It's all in the name. Sweet. Sweeter than any other apple you've EVER had. I could get a cavity from this apple, it's so sweet, and I'd love that cavity, because it would remind me of that one time I had a delicious honeycrisp apple. And crunchy too! It's that classic 'crunch of an apple' sound when your teeth rip into it and pull of a chunk big enough that you say "wow what a big chunk of apple. I wasn't expecting such a mouthful" and you get to enjoy a mouthful of  sweet deliciousness that is this apple for longer than you had budgeted time for and you end up closing your eyes, smiling, and enjoying every delicious bite until--you've missed your bus--but that's okay. you brought two apples to the bus stop, and you will wait for the next bus.)

At the cashier, I ask for no bags (to save the environment..though it's screwed anyway) and entered the house with a handful of food and notes from the class. I spill it all out on to the counter and notice the grapes are out. Ugh. warm grapes are like dirty socks. Like crazy psycho racist grandparents that tell you stories t. Like having to use a plunger. Let's just avoid those. Quade did some shopping, it seems, as those grapes are new.

But where's Quade?

I figure he's downstairs, possibly editing the guitar tracks we recorded tonight. I wander down to say hi, and tell him i bought milk (cuz that's big news). "Hey Quade," I call, approaching the control room. No reply. I look in, and he's got a computer screen full of blinking, unanswered MSN conversations, but he's fast asleep.

 I turn to walk away. I figure I'll go play some guitar. But half way up the stairs, I start thinking.

What if he's dead?

What if he wasn't asleep in that arm chair, but was in fact dead?

Dang....That would be a lot of paperwork.

So as I took off my coat, cracked open a Growers, and sat on the couch, I thought about how if he was in the basement, dead (not sleeping), and it was ruled a suspicious death, I, JOSH MANERIKAR would be top suspect. I had to justify why I'd be found innocent. If I couldn't find a reason  why I wasn't the murderer, I knew I had to go and actually check to make sure he wasn't dead--for my sake.

So... I left for the class at 6.05pm. He was alive, making a hot dog for dinner. I came back, and he was asleep. Would my alibi hold? Luckily, yes, because my parents are also attending this class with me. "okay," the prosecutro would say, "but maybe you killed him before you left." Gah..I thought about this and--wait. He sent me a text while I was there to tell me to go shopping for milk and lettuce (the apple was totally my idea. and it was the best idea all day. UNLIKE buying A&W two days in a row..ugh) so that gets me out of that problem. "okay," says the prosecutor, "but maybe you killed him after you got home!"

So as he lays dead/sleeping downstairs right now, I need to find a logical reason why I didn't kill him when I got home. I mean, it's practically sacriligious to leave the grapes out to get warm...but I wouldn't KILL over that, would I? WOULD I?!

I don't know :-(

Nevermind. He just came upstairs...and he's alive. :D

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