
Please Don't...

I understand that a facebook rant is a dime a dozen in the blogosphere.

So what? 

Those 'suggestions' in facebook are pretty irritating. Sometimes when I'm frustrated, I just "X" through them as fast as possible yelling "screw you facebook" over and over. Please don't tell me how to run my social life. Don't tell me who should be my friend, which bands I should be a fan of.

Now they've added a new type:

"RECONNECT with (so and so)."

What are you saying, Facebook? Do you think that maybe 'so and so' is wishing I'd write her a message so as to break some awkward silence that's developed? I hope 'so and so' isn't feeling offended right now. Gee, Facebook, thanks for giving me a social tip.

I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, so I decided to take Fbook's advice, just in case:

Hey Leah,

I know we haven't talked in a year and a half. I hear you're married. Good times? Um..I know this is pretty random, but you probably saw Facebook suggesting that you 'reconnect' with me too, and I knew that if we both just 'X'ed it out, then we'd feel a little awkward, wondering why we are still facebook friends. I mean, don't you live in Utah now? How's the weather? Call me if you're in town, we'll chill again...although we never really did anyways..lol.

But anyways, if you wanna delete me, that's cool. This ball is in your court. Laterzzzz.

Yeah...I hope you're happy facebook. Lame advice    :-(

And rant part two: don't add me as a friend based on these suggestions. I'll know that's how it went down, because you didn't send me a message telling me how much you've missed me or asking how life is. You'll just out of the blue add me, and then expect to fade back into social oblivion. No way man. You've now forced me to DECLINE your request, AND send you a message saying:


I think it's safe to say that we've managed all these years without finding one reason to talk. I mean, we never even talked in highschool, so why should we talk now? And clearly the answer is "no, we don't need to talk" since you didn't have any reason to write me a message or even a note when you added me. But hey man, I ain't mad or anything...but I ain't your friend, either.


PS, check out my blog, read it all, and my band has a facebook page (become a fan!), come to my shows, and definitely buy a CD. 


Aight? Cool. Nice to hear from you!

.... :D

C'mon people, Facebook can be a good thing. Enough is enough.

Let's not let it go down the potty. 


1 comment:

  1. Facebook suggested I 'reconnect' with my mom by writing on her wall. LOL


Hey, it's fairly fantastic that you want to comment!